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How Gum Disease Affects Pregnancy

A study in Oral Health & Preventative Dentistry suggests that gingivitis treatment in pregnant individuals can lower the risk of pre-term births as well as raise birth weights. Pregnant people have many medical concerns to think about, but this research indicates that they should not let their oral health fall by the wayside.

While common, gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease, can wreak serious havoc on your smile. This infection of the gum tissue can also have a major impact on the rest of your body. Gingivitis presents with inflamed gums, which may trigger the body’s inflammatory response. This can then affect many other health conditions in your body, including pregnancy.

If you recognize gum disease and the risks it can bring to your well-being, you can more likely seek the dental treatment you need to avoid it. Learn more about gingivitis, its treatment, and its prevention by reading on.

How Gum Disease Affects Pregnancy

Signs of Gingivitis

Gingivitis, the beginning of gum disease, comes with several noticeable symptoms in many cases. You may experience bleeding, swelling, tenderness, and redness among other irritations if you have gingivitis. While these periodontal discomforts might happen for an acute reason, like harsh teeth-brushing techniques, you should talk to your dentist if these symptoms become chronic.

However, sometimes gum disease develops without recognizable symptoms. For this reason, you should continue seeing your dentist on a regular basis so that you can receive a periodontal disease screening. The dentist can identify early signs of gingivitis and then offer swift treatment to get rid of this infection.

Gum Disease Treatment Options

Gum disease will not go away on its own or with at-home efforts alone. You will need to receive targeted treatment from your dentist to get rid of gum disease. The infection is easier to treat when diagnosed early, so do not delay visiting your dentist if you notice any issues with your gums.

A dentist can begin periodontal therapy to treat gum disease right away. They scrape away plaque and other harmful residues from tricky spots in your smile, including the gum pockets. This clears away excess bacteria.

This cleaning method, known as scaling and root planing, is enough to treat most cases of gingivitis. But advanced gum disease might need more intense treatment to get rid of the infection. Your dentist may also recommend using an antibacterial rinse to balance oral bacteria and reduce the chance of future infections.

How to Protect Your Gum Health

You can prevent contracting gingivitis by prioritizing oral health care. In the long run, this can protect your smile, gums, and the rest of your health. Pregnant dental patients in particular can avoid hassle by taking care of their smiles and reducing their risk for gum disease.

They can do this by practicing good oral hygiene, meaning they brush their teeth twice a day and floss daily. They should also attend routine dental check-ups to maximize oral hygiene with a professional dental cleaning. An oral exam can help your dentist provide personalized preventative care to help keep your unique smile healthy.